
Profile Photo

Tohru Moriyama

1969 Born in Japan
1991 B.S. from Department of Chemistry, Kobe University, Japan
1993 M.S. from Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kobe University
1993 Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Itami works, Japan (-1996)
1998 Junior Research Associate (JRA), Biomimetic Sensor Laboratory, RIKEN, Japan (-1999)
1999 D.S. from Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kobe University
     Thesis: Behavioral Experiments to Understand Animals'Autonomy
1999 Resarch Student of Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kobe University (-2000)
2000 Research Associate at Department of Complex Systems,
     Future University-Hakodate, Japan
2007 Assistant Professor at International Young Researcher Empowerment Center,
     Shinshu University, Japan
2012 Assistant Professor, Shinshu University
2017 Associate Professor, Shinshu University




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